"He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber." Psalm 121:3 (ESV)
How many times have you been walking and suddenly your feet simply ‘go out from under you’? This has happened to me on a number of occasions. On some of those moments of falling I truly felt that nothing could stop the slide and there were other moments that the fall came quickly and painfully. But in the end we recognize the Presence of God and immediately thank Him for His protection….no matter the consequence.
Just outside the walls of Camp Shiran, the Baptist encampment north of Lima, Peru, is a very high rock mountain. Every year many people walk the very steep and slippery incline to see the majesty of God’s hand in Creation. The path is actually the spine of the mountain from which the viewer can see three valleys becoming one. In fact, there are remains of an ancient outpost no doubt used by another civilization for security reasons. The steep approach to that location is without protection.
Going up that incline is not really difficult, but the steps are to be taken with care because the fall would be a long, fast and painful one. Coming down is the exciting part of the journey. I recall a stretch of about 75 feet that the path is quite steep and slippery because of the very small pebbles that cover the surface. Two or three times I made that trip to see the beauty of the river that courses its way far, far below. And each time that one treacherous pathway inched its way into an otherwise carefree experience.
Every time I recall such exciting moments of life, God always reminds me of His Presence. Life’s entire journey is like this, however. Life is full of excitement and beauty when we allow ourselves to view our days through His eyes and assurance.
The most difficult thing that we must do is give our every experience of life to the Father before the day begins. No matter if you are in Fort Worth, Marshall, Hope, Houston or Iraq, God will not allow us to be without His protection…He is always by our side. You are on solid ground…
Remember that if salvation depends upon us, our end is void. If the order of the universe is ours to determine, chaos would be the order of the day! How dark it would be if we were to be the source of light! But be thankful that nothing is of our own doing. By God’s decree all that is…is…..praise be to Him!!
“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31 (ESV)
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