Saturday, September 6, 2008


Looking at books that contain printed copies of oil paintings accomplished by the old Masters is something I do quite often. Doing so gives me some ideas on how to become a little bit better when I smear paint on canvas. Smearing is the best that I am able to do in light of a Leonardo Da Vinci painting.

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10.

God's workmanship! Replace the word ‘we’ with your name, "______ is God's workmanship." You and I are a one-of-a-kind original masterpiece! Sometimes we may not feel like a masterpiece. Perhaps you may not have been treated like a masterpiece, but the One who created you says you are His workmanship. From the moment of conception, God has been placing into you the qualities, experiences and the capabilities to make a unique difference in our world.

Remember that you and I are "created in Christ Jesus for good works." You are an original! You are priceless. For this reason alone, He died for you because no one else could pay that price. Your are beyond value.
Perhaps you have been rejected, ignored, hurt, or abused. It might be that you are criticized by folks who do not know who you are. But all of these negative messages are saying that you are not worth much and that you not good enough. However, people do not determine your worth. It is God who determines your value because you are His workmanship.
There are three words in this verse that define our personal worth, "in Christ Jesus." He paid for your sin with His life. God's Son died for you. That' is how much He believes you are worth!

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